Sleaford Golf Club Lincolnshire
Situated in the delightful Lincolnshire countryside, and within easy reach of the A1 and other major trunk roads. Sleaford Golf Club is an exciting course, and represents an outstanding venue for Society events for golfers of all standards and ages.
If you are looking for a golf club and course with a great history, how does over 100 years sound? In 1905, a meeting of the Sleaford Town worthies decided that a golf club should be founded for the recreation and leisure of local families. Mr Tom Williamson designed the original course, but in more recent times the legendary Peter Alliss and Dave Thomas revised the layout to produce a more balanced course.
Today, with a membership of over 600 playing members, along with 50 juniors and various social memberships, our club has over 800 people who regularly enjoy the course and facilities. The Club is a hive of activity, and we are always delighted to welcome new members irrespective of age or golfing ability.
Redesigned and refurbished in 1992, the clubhouse provides excellent facilities for both members and visitors. Comprising a lounge bar, spike bar, sun lounge, dining room and a separate small meeting or function room, the main area of the clubhouse is capable of hosting business or social functions for up to 100 people.