Sindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co Kildare

Sindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co Kildare

Sindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co KildareSindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co KildareSindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co KildareSindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co KildareSindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co KildareSindon’s Bar & Restaurant Co Kildare

Established in 2021 Sindon’s Bar and Restaurant is located in The Golf Lodge at Palmerstown House Estate. Having undergone a dramatic refurbishment a visit to our new Boutique Bar and Restaurant is a must. Why not gather in groups in our Luxury Booths or take time at a table for two. Our outdoor terrace overlooking the 18th hole is the ideal location to enjoy fine food and drinks in spectacular surrounds. 

The outdoor terrace boasts views of the 18th Green and includes a glass enclosed space for those inclement days. The Terrace is the perfect al fresco dining with a large seating area and space available to host BBQ’s and more. 

Sit back, relax and enjoy the splendour of the Sindon’s Bar and Restaurant and outdoor Terrace here at Palmerstown House Estate.