Barkway Park Golf Club Hertfordshire
Nuthampstead Road Barkway Royston
+44 (0)1763 848215
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Hidden away in Hertfordshire, this little known golf club – not a bad thing we assure you – can be described as nothing short of a true hidden gem and a course to tell all your friends about. Admittedly, it is not the easiest course to get to and clubhouse may not be the biggest you’ve ever encountered, but size isn’t everything and there is plenty more to keep you occupied on the golf course. That, of course, is the main priority.
Barkway Park is what is called an ‘Inland Links’. It is quite open and is therefore susceptible to the wind. If, or when, the wind does blow it can become quite a test and you’ll do very well to keep a good score if the wind blows like it can.