Brampton Heath Golf Centre Northamptonshire
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Brampton Heath is located on undulating heathland, sitting on very free draining soil. This allows play all year round, always with trolleys and never on tee mats. The greens play very true at all times and the fairways are arguably considered the best in the County. 18 hole main course.
The course is constantly improved every season through the construction of new tees, hazards such as ditches and mounds, and an extensive tree planting programme.
The course provides a fair test for players of all abilities – any visitor is welcome to play the course off the competition tees at any time.
Brampton Heath’s reputation has already earned recognition, by hosting both the Boys and Seniors County Championships in the last two years and in 2002 hosting the N.G.U. Hollingsworth Final – the County’s premier team event. 9 hole Short Course
This course is ideal for new players to gain confidence before tackling an 18 hole course and also for experienced golfers to work on their short game. It is a popular tool for teaching as well. Play is always from grass tees to proper greens in immaculate condition all year round. The course has hosted both the 1999 and 2001 qualifiers for the PGA British Short Course Championships, and is regularly used for “training camps” by all the county squads. Driving Range The Driving Range is equipped with high quality range balls and excellent mats. The Landing area is filled with targets at measured yardages to help with practice.