Newquay Golf Club Cornwall
Newquay Golf Club offers golfers of all ages and abilities the opportunity to enjoy a challenging round of golf on a fine links layout. The smooth fairways and challenging greens are well conditioned. This course also offers many beautiful views of Fistral Beach and the Headland.
In the late 1800s plans were made to build a housing estate on the Links with three parallel roads between Tower Road and the sea. The Headland riots in 1897 prevented this development.The Golf Club was formed in 1890 with Mr. H. F. Whitefield as its first President. The Towers was built on land known in 1834 as the field meadow or close to land called or known by the name of “the lookout”. In 1835 the large house called The Tower was built by Mr. G.W.T. Gregor as a seaside residence. The Tower was rented to wealthy families for holidays when the owner was at his inland home.
In 1868 the lease was bought by Sir Paul William Molesworth. Then in 1906 in consideration of £1,500 advanced and lent to Dame J.F.Molesworth, The Tower passed into the hands of Mr. John Simmons Tregoning. It eventually passed into the hands of the Treffry estate from whom the Golf Club purchased the freehold.